2024 Classroom Gardens Photo Contest
This spring, we once again asked our schools to submit their best Classroom Garden photos for a chance to win one of three $100 shopping sprees for gardening materials. We received over 125 fantastic submissions and here is the shortlist and the winners! Congratulations to our winners!
Mylène Goulet – École élémentaire catholique Notre-Dame-des-Champs

Élyse-Vézina Martel – École élémentaire publique Marie Curie

Nicole Brooking – St. Mary Catholic School

Thank you to every class who participated and congratulations to the winners! Classroom Gardens brings indoor gardening into classrooms across all four Ottawa school boards at no charge. Throughout the school year, and even through the cold winter months, these students are engaged learners – growing plants from seed, and learning in a hands-on way about plant life-cycles, nutrition, and entrepreneurship. Most importantly, students have the opportunity to eat the food they’ve grow, which is a proven way to get kids excited about eating healthy, fresh vegetable. To learn more about Classroom Gardens, please click here.