News & Stories

Free Online JA Programs – JA Ottawa Update

ja economics for success, ja ottawa, ottawa network for education

Anne-Marie Bouchard Photography


JA Ottawa has been delivering financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness programs in Ottawa schools since 2012, delivered by the Ottawa Network for Education. These programs support the educational curriculum of Ontario and are delivered by dedicated volunteers. 


The pandemic has shown the need for quality online educational resources that can be accessed by youth across the country. JA has responded by working to rapidly create digital programs on a readily accessible, easy to use learning management platform.  


Like our JA Ottawa in-class programs, we are able to offer these online JA programs free of charge thanks to the generosity of our donors.  


These programs combine slides, videos, online activities, and games to teach youth about financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. Programs are available for students in Grades 3 to 12, and each program lasts 2 to 4 hours. 


Theses online JA programs can be self-directed or facilitated by a teacher or parent. 


1)   Instructions for Teacher/Facilitator-led programs:  

  • Go to the JA Digital Campus ( 
  • Click on the Program Library and select the program(s) you want to deliver to your students  
  • Contact JA Ottawa at: to register your school or your class indicating the program(s) you are interested in offering to your students 
  • Upon receipt of your email, we will provide you with an enrollment key (access code) for the program   
  • Create your account and enter the key/code to gain access to the program(s).   
  • Once schools reopen, JA programs can be facilitated in the classroom using this new delivery model if volunteers are unable to come into the classroom.  


2)   Instructions for Students to access self-directed JA programs: 

  • Go to the JA Digital Campus at 
  • Click on the Program Library  
  • Click on “View Self-Directed Courses”  
  • Read the course descriptions and click on the link for the program you want to complete 
  • Click on “Create New Account” 
  • Read the privacy policy and age statement, and if you agree, check the boxes to accept the terms  
  • Complete the fields to create your account  
  • Please note: If the student is under 13 years of age, a parent/guardian will have to provide an email address to create the account.  


For any logistical questions, please contact Kristina Price at 


We’re excited to have this new way of sharing JA Ottawa programs across our city in these unprecedented times. We’d love to hear what you learn in the comments below! 




  1. Hello Team JA Ottawa, Thank you for what you are doing for kids. I been associated as volunteer teaching program with Toronto School board and JA in Toronto through my organization RBC.
    Now, I moved to Ottawa and wish to continue my services.
    Please suggest the process and include me for future activities.

    Thanks & regards

    1. Hello Prashant! Thanks for your interest in getting involved here in Ottawa. As in-person volunteering is on hold for now, contact Kristina at to get on the list for future.

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