JA Ottawa Volunteer Spotlight: Diane Barry

National Volunteer Week shines a spotlight on the individuals whose selfless dedication and hard work often remain unsung. Among these remarkable contributors is Diane Barry, who volunteers with JA Ottawa. Diane’s tireless efforts not only exemplify the spirit of volunteerism but also remind us of the profound impact one person can make in the lives of many. As we celebrate this special week, let us take a moment to recognize and appreciate Diane’s invaluable contributions to our community.
“Although Diane Barry came to JA Ottawa as a volunteer through a friend years ago, she continues to answer the call to volunteer, whether it is in person or virtual, in French or English, a program she has facilitated numerous times or piloting something completely new. Not only is she an engaging facilitator, her passion and enthusiasm for financial knowledge is shared with her audience whether they are 10 or 110 years old. She has a natural ability to connect with and relate to people of all ages. We are fortunate to have her help in increasing financial literacy among students in the National Capital Region.” – Kristina Price, JA Ottawa Program Manager
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I was born in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, a gem on the South shore of Montréal. I had two amazing parents who were totally present for my sister and me. Always there for us, with unconditional love. School was very important in my household as my mother used to be an elementary school teacher.
There was a Military College in Saint-Jean and I was really curious about what was going on there; students from all over the country, studying in French and English, totally physically fit and they got to travel the world…. So, I decided I wanted to be part of the team and I joined the Canadian Forces. I graduated from the Royal Military College with a bachelor degree of Business Administration. I then worked as a Logistical Officer, specialized in Finance for the Canadian Armed Forces for 27 years. And my dream came true, I did travel a lot….and came to realize that I was so fortunate to live in such a peaceful and wonderful country.
I am now married to my soulmate and we have a wonderful 10-year-old daughter who I am very proud of. We have a yellow and orange lovebird called Mango who loves to be on our shoulders all the time and melts our hearts when she interacts with us.
I am a scout leader, volunteer for many different organizations such as JA Ontario and Québec, facilitate compassion workshops and love swimming (especially open-water swimming in the summer).
What made you decide to volunteer with JA Ottawa?
My friend and colleague Will, who also graduated with a Masters in Business Administration, reached out to me and asked if I wanted to volunteer with JA Ottawa. At the time I was finishing the certification program for becoming a CPA (Professional Accountant) and they were looking for volunteers with financial background. I jumped into this adventure and I loved it right away. Seeing the motivation in the kids’ eyes and their level of participation, I knew right away that there was something special about this program; it was so well structured and the activities so engaging. I realized that kids didn’t have many opportunities to learn about financial literacy, a skill which I believe is essential throughout their lives. So, I decided that I would make this one of my volunteering priorities.
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
My favourite teacher was Mme Ginette Poirier, my grade 9 biology teacher. She was my favourite because she was very organised and treated us like adults. Her classes were very interesting, fun and challenging and she created an environment where we all felt comfortable and welcomed. She was very dedicated and we felt like being at our best in her class.
What is your personal philosophy on life?
What deserves to be done, deserves to be done well. If I get involved in a project or anything that deserves my attention, I give it my all. I give 100% of myself. It all comes down to being trustworthy. If someone trusts me to ask for help with a project, a task or anything, I want to be there fully present for that person.
Like any great ideas, there are always two sides of a coin… Throughout the years, I’ve come to realize that this could be a great quality but can also be very taxing! Therefore, I now get involved in projects that mean a lot to me where I get to decide where I put all my energy.
If you could go back to a particular grade level or childhood age, which would it be and why?
I would go back to my time at Military College during my university years. When I was there, I was living in residence and I didn’t realize that I had my best friends right there with me. We had amazing learning opportunities, we were fit, played sports and had a great team spirit. It’s when I graduated that I missed those close friendships and the university years. I took it for granted!
What is your favourite hidden gem in Ottawa?
I used to live in Kanata and now I live in Gatineau. I still have lots of very good friends who live on the Ontario side and we love to meet for brunch at Cora’s. The menu is full of colours, fruits and lots of variety. My energy is at my best in the morning and therefore, meeting friends over for brunch is such a wonderful way to start the day: laughing and enjoying wonderful conversations with friends over a delicious breakfast!
Tell us about a lesson you learned this year. What did it teach you about yourself?
I find life itself is the best teacher of all! Over the past few years, life has reminded me of what is most important to me. I have learned to appreciate what I have vs what I miss. I have taken the time to reflect on what’s most important in my life and what I value the most and I have made the decision to live my life based on my values. Therefore, I’ve come to realise that life is much more meaningful and fun when I’m focussing on ‘Being’ vs ‘Doing’.
Taking the time to live! Letting go of being efficient and just be there, present for myself and others. I find that I was putting way too much emphasis on being efficient and busy all the time.
When people need me, I now like to take the time for them. I find that it’s much more important to be present to someone who really needs me, who needs to confide in someone than to be doing things just for the sake of doing something, to feel like I’m accomplishing stuff. This opportunity might not happen again and this person needs me at the moment. I’ve learned that to be fully present to someone is so much more than being physically there. To be there with all my being, both physical and mind and soul, that’s what makes the real difference in life and this is what really counts at the end of the day.
If you are interested in volunteering with JA Ottawa, please visit our program page.