Welcome to our site for postsecondary students!
The videos are a good place to start – we developed these specifically for college and university students, with the help of learning experts and students just like you. Hint: if this all sounds new to you, watch the Overview video first!
Preparing for college or university?
Our “Transition” area has resources and tips to help you get ready for the transition from high school to postsecondary education. Then have a look at the videos and other resources on this site for information about tools and apps you might want to try.
Want to speak with someone?
Click on any of the logos below in the Postsecondary Institutions section to go to that institution’s student services department.
Ottawa Area Postsecondary Institutions
Get Support
NEADS EdLink is the most comprehensive Canadian directory of college and university disability service providers and links to service centre websites, with listings from coast to coast. Each entry provides current contact information for service providers at Canadian post-secondary institutions. The links to disability centre websites allow access to detailed information on accommodations, physical access, services and supports.
Video Resources
Postsecondary Video Series
Tools for Reading
Postsecondary Video Series
Tools for Writing & Editing
Postsecondary Video Series
Mind Mapping Tools
Postsecondary Video Series
Tools for Note-taking
Postsecondary Video Series
Tools for Time Management
Postsecondary Video Series
Resources: Assistive Technology
- This section of the SNOW website explains Assistive Technology in general and provides detailed descriptions of screen readers and speech-to-text software, including things to consider in choosing software: https://snow.idrc.ocadu.ca/assistive-technology-2/
- The Landmark College website is a wonderful resource for students and parents. The site includes a summary of each learning technology with videos and PDF files to download. intranet.landmark.edu/tls/OnlineTraining.cfm
- Marlene R. McIntosh, MBA, MEd Learning Strategist/Assistive Technologist at Cambrian College Glenn Crombie Centre created several YouTube videos that may be of interest to you:
- GRADES – Editing Checklist for textHELP Read and Write:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LySQ6be7pA - Exporting and Importing Dragon NaturallySpeaking Voice files:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkzm4NDP6_k - Virtual Printing with Kurzweil 3000:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=792IsPw5zNM - How To-s of Zone Editing in Kurzweil 3000:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmZNn8vifso - Creating Flash Cards using Kurzweil 3000:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj3RvAjZCWg - Zone Editing using Kurzweil 3000:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5EXxIgWd00 - Creating Flash Cards in PowerPoint:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UdkYLv7Eg8 - Planning for Success – PDF demonstration:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNFNp_iFPEE - Planning for Success – Excel demonstration:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHetqB0oLF0 - How to take a PDF file and send it to Kurzweil 3000
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtIBLYRBqYc - Using Mind Mapping to Take Notes in Class
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGQUm_AtxDg - 2 Column Note Taking with Microsoft Word
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdtAuOl1dMQ - SQ4R and Kurzweil 3000
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hilOwbV11EE - Using Acronyms to Study
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_dhj3yUgtM - 3 Column Note Taking for Math
- GRADES – Editing Checklist for textHELP Read and Write:
Resources: Learning Styles
- http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/index.shtml
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/keyskills/extra/module1/3.shtml
- https://metamath.io/?page_id=35 (includes both the test and a guide for each style)
Resources: General
NEADS National Education Association of Disabled Students offers wonderful resources.
NEADS advocates for increased accessibility at all levels so that disabled students may gain equal access to college or university education, which is their right. The Association provides information on services and programs for students with disabilities nationwide, publishes a regular newsletter, and conducts research on issues of importance to its members.
Resources: Learning Disabilities
- Youth2youth is a great site created by students with Learning Disabilities for students transitioning into post-secondary education: understand your learning disabilities, know your legal rights for accommodation, be your own advocate and more!
- www.youth2youth.ca
- The Adaptech Research Network consists of a team of academics, students and consumers based at Dawson College in Montreal. They conduct research involving college and university students with a variety of disabilities in Canada.
- www.adaptech.org
- IDIA, Inter-University Disability Issues Association, is an association of disability service providers from Universities throughout Ontario. Working together, Universities can share ideas and strategies to overcome issues and problems, allowing students with disabilities across Ontario to succeed in post-secondary education.
- http://www.idia.ca/web/
- College Committee on Disability Issues / Comité collegial en besoins particuliers The CCDI mission is to promote and provide quality leadership in the development and delivery of support services to students with disabilities, in order to enhance educational opportunity and student success, foster the college communities’ awareness of and support for persons with disabilities, while promoting partnerships among students, program departments and support service departments.
- http://www.disabilityissues.ca/
- The University of Washington has an extensive collection of videos on a variety of topics related to individuals with disabilities accessing curriculum, using technology, and pursuing challenging careers:
- http://www.washington.edu/doit/Video/
- This is a fantastic site Canadian about Attention Deficit Disorder with great video clips – makes you laugh, but gives you great information too.
- http://www.totallyadd.com/totallyadd-loving-it-trailer/
Resources: Learning Strategies
Learning Strategies are different techniques and approaches to help the learning process. Your choice of strategies should reflect your own strengths and weaknesses. Learning strategies can help with all aspects of learning: reading, understanding, writing, memorizing, organizing, studying or test taking. You may find some of the following websites helpful:
- James Cook University website includes tools to help you improve in the 8 academics areas of Math, Organization, Study Skills, Test Taking Skills, Note Taking, Reading, Writing, and Advanced Thinking.
http://coe.jmu.edu/LearningToolbox/studentstart.htm - A comprehensive website with guides and videos to support student success. It includes information about learning strategies, learning styles and tips to improve note-taking, time management, study techniques, and more:
Tools and Training
- The Adaptech Research Network maintains a database of free and/or inexpensive AT – www.adaptech.org/en/research/fandi
- Text to speech – Kurzweil 3000, TextHELP, Natural Readers
- Speech to text – Dragon NaturallySpeaking
- If you have a smart phone, you may want to download the voice to text Dragon App.
- Screen readers – Browsealoud
- Reading and writing – Read&Write
- Organization, writing, mind mapping – Inspiration
- Mercury Reader is an extension for Chrome that will remove all the clutter including ads, recommendations, dialogs, social buttons, comments and almost everything distracting, and extract the actual content. It will only show the website name, the actual text content photos/videos inside that content, and all the links in it. All you have to do is install the extension in your favorite browser and then open any article on the web. There are also options for Firefox and Safari browsers. Mercury Reader for Chrome Firefox Reader Safari Reader View
- CAST Strategy Tutor helps students with multi-step projects (free, but students need to make an account) cst.cast.org/cst/auth-login
- Voice Thread is an online tool that allows you to document and present your ideas using voice, images, video and text all at once! www.voicethread.com
- Microsoft Photo Story is a photo presentation program for Windows. It lets you drag photos onto a window, arrange them as needed, then provide custom narration, transitions, zooms, pans, and audio. It is available as a free from Microsoft.
- Overview of assistive technology and accessibility features on Apple devices: http://www.apple.com/education/special-education/
- Mind Mapping Software – The invo8 website has a list of software tools for you to choose from. Scroll down to Concept Mapping https://www.inov8-ed.com/2016/04/10-categories-of-recommended-apps-and-software-for-students-with-learning-disabilities/
- New Brunswick Public Library Service – This library service provides users with print disabilities access to French and English resources. It can provide audio books on cassette or CD, Braille books, music and multimedia works.
- Gutenberg Project – free ebooks to download. Available in ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
“How To” Guides and Training
Coming Soon!
Kurzweil and Dragon Training Videos
James McEachern, B.A., B.Ed. Adaptive Technologist, Student Services Georgian College, Orillia Campus provides AT training videos accessible via YouTube:
- Videos 1-5 [complete] for Kurzweil 3000 v11
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PL2362F55543AE1A62 - Videos 1-6 for Dragon NaturallySpeaking v10
Transitioning to Postsecondary Education
There are many things you need to consider in preparing for post secondary education, especially if you may need extra learning support. Follow these tips to get off to a good start:
- Create and follow a transition plan.
- Clearly understand your learning challenges and strengths and how to articulate your needs to others.
- If you have a learning disability, know your legal rights regarding academic accommodations for lectures, assignments, test taking, etc. and practice asking for accommodations with a coach.
- Learn and master learning strategies that work for you: time management, note taking, reading, writing, study skills, exam taking, etc.
- Assistive technology (AT) can be used in combination with learning strategies—find out what AT works for you and practice using it before you start school.
- Get organized. Create a course calendar, colour code your notebooks, preview your textbooks, etc.
- One of the best ways students can get a sense of what to expect when beginning a post-secondary program is to talk with people who have first-hand experience in such programs. Enroll in one of many Transition Programs available in many parts of the country, that offers students the opportunity to gather information on the post-secondary experience.
- Visit the Student Support Centres – get to know the support staff and what they have to offer (tutors, workshops, counseling, etc.)
- Learn how to truly relax and manage stress – and remember to plan FUN into your schedule!
Help improve our content
Your help to improve and add content to this site is appreciated. Your organization will be given credit for all contributions you want to share: tip sheets, training manuals, websites, etc.
Please send your contributions and ideas to:
Adriana Johnston
Program Manager, Volunteer Programs
900 Morrison Drive, Suite 205
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K7
Tel: 613-366-3085 ext. 259