Ready to Explore the World of AT?

This page is just for you – students who are interested in learning about or starting to use assistive technologies for reading, writing or other school work. Whether you are a student in elementary school or college, you can use the AT tools we’ll show you here – in fact some people use these tools even at work.

There is lots of information in the videos, so if you want a list of all the AT tools and what they do, click on the Glossary.

Discover what works best for you… because we all learn differently!

Featured Testimonial

Hear about how assistive technology helps in the classroom.

Video Resources


That was easy!  … Using AT to organize your ideas.


AT tools for writing.


Hearing is believing! AT to support reading.


AT tools for editing.

Alternative Formats

Using alternative formats to prepare and present your work.

Working at Home

Getting organized and accessing AT for homework.

Math and Science

AT for math and science.

Resources for Students

Youth2youth is a great site for high school students getting ready to transition into post-secondary education. It provides some excellent materials describing the differences between high school and post secondary approaches to AT and Learning Disabilities. It is a site created by students with Learning Disabilities:

This section of the SNOW website explains Assistive Technology in general and provides detailed descriptions of screen readers and speech-to-text software, including things to consider in choosing software:

Sources for ebooks and audio books. Ottawa Public Library’s Overdrive Program: 1C8F3F74-E58B-4E03-85AB-F67DE745D711/ 10/367/en/BrowseYouth.htm.

Firefox Reader:

Safari Reader View:

A great site to help students who need to prepare any science project:

Learning to self-advocate from the Pacer institute:

Free Online Tools

Grades 5 & up



Wisemapping (can also be downloaded as open source)

Help improve our content

Your help to improve and add content to this site is appreciated. Your organization will be given credit for all contributions you want to share: tip sheets, training manuals, websites, etc.

Please send your contributions and ideas to:

Adriana Johnston
Program Manager, Volunteer Programs
900 Morrison Drive, Suite 205
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K7