Welcome to the Assistive Technologies “Staff Room”!
As educators, you have both a desire and obligation to provide students of all abilities with unrestricted access to the curriculum, and for many students, assistive technologies (AT) are an essential tool for doing so.
It is with that goal in mind that we have created this web resource for you – the classroom teacher. We have assembled materials to assist you with the task of making your classroom a place where all students can learn, no matter what their individual challenges. The site includes a series of brief videos, several instructional modules, and a wealth of resources and web links that cover every topic from IEPs to tutorials on the use of assistive technologies and software. It is not our goal to make you an expert in these areas, but we hope that you will be able to access enough information to get you started and to help you make the most of new opportunities in your accessible learning environment.
We also invite you to browse through the students and parents sections, where you will find materials geared to those groups but of interest to teachers as well… Enjoy!
Featured Testimonial
Hear about how assistive technology helps in the classroom.
Video Resources
Implementing Assistive Technology in the Classroom:
Discovery, Planning and Assessment
Implementing Assistive Technology in the Classroom:
Making the Classroom Inclusive.
Implementing Assistive Technology in the Classroom:
The Impact of Assistive Technology
Implementing Assistive Technology in the Classroom:
Parent Engagement
Implementing Assistive Technology in the Classroom:
Professional Development
Resources for Teachers
Mathematics and Disabilities Handbook: Your Guide for Students with LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors eBook can now help you with more students with different disabilities and render up-to-date advice to faculty, disability services providers and administrators on helping students with disabilities: www.academicsuccess.com
SNOW is the branch of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University that focuses on inclusive education and learning. This Canadian site provides information and training for educators, parents and students with disabilities on technologies for learning both in and out of the classroom as well as promote understanding of inclusive practices: www.snow.idrc.ocadu.ca/assistive-technology-2/
The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario is the provincial association representing the interests of persons with learning disabilities throughout Ontario. Their website offers resources for people with learning disabilities, as well as for parents and teachers: www.ldao.ca
Ontario Ministry of Education This site provides resources on understanding and teaching students with special needs – there are separate sections for educators, parents and students: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-education
Teacher Training
Assistive technology, or AT for short, can help ensure that all students are able to access the curriculum and do so with more independence than was possible in the past. Depending on their past roles and training, some teachers have had more experience with AT than others. These short learning modules were designed as an introduction for educators who may be new to using assistive technologies in the classroom. To begin, Click here.
Help improve our content
Your help to improve and add content to this site is appreciated. Your organization will be given credit for all contributions you want to share: tip sheets, training manuals, websites, etc.
Please send your contributions and ideas to:
Adriana Johnston
Program Manager, Volunteer Programs
900 Morrison Drive, Suite 205
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K7