5.1 Training resources

This site and its resources were developed by SET-BC (Special Education Technology – British Columbia) with support from the BC Ministry of Education (Department of Diversity and Equity). The content of the site was developed from a variety of print and online resources and is intended to provide K-12 educators with a starting point for implementing Universal Design for Learning in their classrooms.


For over 25 years, the Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT) has provided cutting-edge, relevant, and practical professional development to individuals and schools. Informed by current research and decades of classroom experience, LCIRT is a leader in the fields of learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


Centre for Applied Special Technology (CAST) The CAST Teaching Every Student website is an extensive resource focused on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). There are resources and tool kits to support strategies for engaging all learners.


Access Forward: This website provides free training modules to meet the training requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act). Developed in partnership with the Government of Ontario.


Michigan Integrated Technology Supports: a series of downloadable PowerPoint presentations that may be helpful for teachers who are new to AT and for those helping to train colleagues.


Applied Learning Disability Specialist (LDGC)

This program will provide the necessary framework for individuals interested in acquiring the skills and training required to take on the role of educator for students with learning disabilities. This program has two streams, enabling course participants to specialize in either the Learning Strategies or the Assistive Technologies stream. This course may be of interest to both parents and educators.


Help improve our content

Your help to improve and add content to this site is appreciated. Your organization will be given credit for all contributions you want to share: tip sheets, training manuals, websites, etc.

Please send your contributions and ideas to:

Adriana Johnston
Program Manager, Volunteer Programs
900 Morrison Drive, Suite 205
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8K7
Tel: 613-366-3085 ext. 259